SLA принтер / SLA printer

ООО «Профит Солюшенз Инжиниринг» / LLC «Profit Solutions Engineering»

В ходе экспериментов в области лазерной стереолитографии разработан SLA принтер. Конструкция, электроника и программное обеспечение — все нашей собственной разработки.

During our experiments in laser stereolithography was born this SLA printer. Also design, electronics and software the result of our team.

We had a long strategic plan to creating SLM machine. At first, we planned to study and get experience with algorithms of controlling laser beam, create software and etc. At second, we planned to have expirience with melting of plastic powder and make SLS machine. And at last we planned to make SLM machine with metal powder. To be honest we have finished only first stage and have got reasonable results.

Принтер / Printer

Напечатанный образец / Printed sample